Illiberal 'Liberator' ?
The commentary piece is the latest issue of ' Liberator' magazine pulls no punches ! It suggests that those around the Liberal Vision project and those who share the classical liberal outlook should basically put up or shut up and, when they've lost the argument, they should clear off ! Not the most liberal stance one might take !
I am strongly opposed to LV and, from what I can understand from the myriad explanations of it, libertarianism. I am very reluctant to push out those I disagree with. Certainly I was shocked by the tone of the 'Liberator' article. Of course, I want social liberalism to predominate as a guiding philosophy for the Lib Dems over classical liberalism or libertarianism, but is arrogant to believe that I can't ever engage with and be influenced by those holding such views.
That said, I DO feel the likes of Gavin Webb and others have far more in common with the Libertarian Party UK, but this tiny forum offers no prospect of office or influence. I DO feel it is disingenuous to belong to a party when another seems to be philosophically more in tune with one's beliefs, but that is for others to decide. Forcing people out is definitely not the answer.
All things considered a shoddy opinion piece from 'Liberator' !
Labels: illiberal Liberator